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Archive for the ‘Tightwire’ Category


Filed under: Drones,Tightwire — Tags: , — mnpunk @ 7:00 AM

Drones – Hidden Planet

7th St. Entry, 2017

This was about a year before they changed their name to Tightwire.

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Filed under: Drones,Tightwire — Tags: , — mnpunk @ 7:00 AM

Six Feet Deep

These guys seem to have all the hype these days, being on Red Scare and playing with all the cool bands. I moved away from MN a few years back, but when I lived there…I knew them as the Drones. Seen them a few times and they were amazing.

How often do you go see a band you’ve never seen before and were instantly hooked? That’s my Drones/Tightwire story. I was in the Entry to see some other band and the Drones were opening. I’d never even heard of them before. About 4 songs in though, I knew they were the real deal. I went home that night and bought everything they had on Bandcamp. Then they seemed to fall off my radar….until Red Scare Toby started posting about this MPLS band called Tightwire.

First track and I knew it sounded familiar. Second track I suspected that this was one of the guys from Drones. Checked with some friends and found out that it was the Drones!Changed names just to ditch me as a fan. Solid marketing plan. Well, it didn’t work! Too bad guys, your stuck with me.

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