
Documenting Minnesota Punk Rock – One post at a time!

Scooby Don’t

Scooby Don't

Scooby Don’t

Better than the last

This was their first and, as far as I know, only EP.   They had a split with another band, and some compilation tracks, but I’m pretty sure this was the only record they put out themselves.  This was Billy  Morrisette’s pre-Dillinger Four band, although this recording pre-dates his time with the band.

They were from small-town Wisconsin (Shawano or Sheboygan if I remember correctly).  They moved to Minneapolis and made the biggest contribution to the local punk scene by opening their basement up to traveling bands.  The 35th St. Entry as it was called, because it was roughly on the corner or 35th St. & 1st. Ave (just 28 blocks south of a more famous venue ), showcased bands from California to New York and was by far the best basement show venue durring it’s time as it was actually somewhat large and open.  The picture above is from a video I shot at the 35th St. Entry.  You can watch that video over at

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