
Documenting Minnesota Punk Rock – One post at a time!

Porcelain Boys

Practice video footage

Before Tom left the band they experimented with lineup changes.  I seem to remember a second guitarist, with Erik still playing drums too, but I could be wrong.  For me personally, this was as dark period for the band.  The songs seemed to slow down, the guitar solos seemed to get longer, and I heard that someone was listening to a lot of Steve Miller!  I remember one show in the Entry with one of them wearing a cowboy hat.  That was it for me.  My love for the band didn’t really change, but I had to stop seeing them live at this point.   It wasn’t as fun any more, and I was way too critical of them.

At their core, the PB’s were a power trio.  Yes, its true that they started as a 4 piece (with Erik playing guitar and someone else playing drums…Brian maybe…damn that was a long time ago??), but for me, the attempt to go back to four was a failure.   They were ultimately at their best as a three piece, and the CD, I think proves that point.  Scott never agreed with me….at least not openly.

For those that don’t know, I’m a long time friend of Scott.  Scott even played once with my crappy band before he got involved with the Dellwood kids.  I helped record a few of those early PB demo tapes, and at one time planed to release an awesome PB’s live show that I had recorded in the 7th St. Entry.    That never happened for one reason or another.  A solid decade later, I did finally edit it down and master it, but at this point only Scott & I have copies of it (and I hear he’s lost his).  One of these days I’ll get around to posting it because it really is an awesome document of the power of this band.

More pb’s Monday!

Video footage  provided by the drummer.  Comments below from the YouTube page.

Jan 2/1991 Porcelain Boys rehearsal
Erik Kaiser
Scott Cook
Tom Spence
Darren Achorn
I found this old footage in storage. I was drumming in the PB’s for a short time, commuting back and forth from Winnipeg and Minneapolis. Almost 20 years ago!


One Response to “Porcelain Boys”

  1. Johnoskin Says:

    Did the Porcelain Boys ever play the Duncan arena in Winnipeg. if so was it DRI they oppened for?

    AND did you see a guy getting beat up by a redhead girl. I remember hearing “flaming carrot” as her flaming red hair beat my face!
    was this my imagination?

    Ohhh… good times! I wouldn’t trade my youth for anything!

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