
Documenting Minnesota Punk Rock – One post at a time!

Dillinger Four

Live at Fest 10

This video sucks. You can’t see the band. You can’t hear the band. It’s shot mostly under a black light. So why post it? The crowd sang the whole song, that’s why! Maybe I’m jaded. I was at their first show. I’ve seen them play to 20 people. I lived at the THD house, and when I moved out, Billy moved into my room. I’ve seen Paddy’s bare drunk ass more times than I care to remember. I knew these guys back in the day. I guess it’s just hard to imagine that they are this popular….on the other side of the country. I get being popular in Minneapolis…they’re from here. All I can say is Wow!

Now if you want to actually see and hear the band play that same song. Here they are on their home turf.

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